
Auto-approve access requests with Salesforce, customize access request form, and more (06/14/22)


🚀 Our most requested Enterprise feature is here!

Automatically approve access requests based on our Salesforce integration. Auto-approve your Salesforce Contacts, or more broadly, anybody with an email domain that's found in a Contact in Salesforce.

See it in action in this 147-second video.


That's not all. Once you enable Salesforce-based auto-approve, you can also bypass the NDA for accounts you've already signed NDAs with . This setting can be used if you track NDA status in Salesforce. Learn more in our newest article, under "NDA Bypass".

✨ Even more new features

→ Request additional details from access requesters such as country, relationship with your company, and more. Read this article to see how. Note: this feature is only available on our Growth, Premium, and Enterprise plans.

→ Manage your subscriber list by removing unwanted subscribers. Alternatively, block unwanted subscribers so that they cannot re-subscribe. Note: only Admins can remove or block subscribers.

🗓️ Coming Up

→ Group trust updates about ongoing incidents to reflect how you react to them over time.

→ Feature key documents prominently so that prospects don't miss them.

→ Limit access to your security documentation to a restricted period.

→ Showcase more security grades on your Security Portal.


Best, Team SafeBase 🌎🌍