✨ What's new
→ Share your subprocessors in the Legal card of your Security Portal.
Have you recently added a subprocessor? Maintain transparency and let your customers know with Trust Center Updates.
→ Approve access requests with SafeBase Suggestions.SafeBase will suggest the next step: assign the requester to a new account, or to the appropriate existing account.
→ "Did you get a new haircut?" Your Security Portal did. We hope you like the new look 🤩 More UI updates are in the making to make it sharper than ever.
🗓️ Coming Up
→ Automatically approve access requests based on Salesforce.Requesters who belong to a domain of one of your Salesforce Accounts will be auto-approved. Alternatively, auto-approve your Salesforce Contacts only. 🚀
→ Group trust updates about ongoing incidents to reflect how you react to them over time.
→ Feature key documents prominently so that prospects don't miss them.
→ Limit access to your security documentation to a restricted period.
→ Manage your subscriber list by removing unwanted subscribers.
→ Showcase more security grades on your Security Portal.
Best, Team SafeBase 🌎🌍